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Currency Settings

Add, edit, archive and un-archive Currencies

Andrew Homer avatar
Written by Andrew Homer
Updated over a week ago

It is possible to setup multiple currencies which can be selected when creating a customer or supplier and used for all relating sales quotes, sales orders, sales invoices, credit notes and purchase orders. The exchange rates are for indication and reporting purposes only, Xero will calculate any foreign currency gains and losses. Admin users can learn how to add, edit, archive and un-archive Currencies within Omono by following the simple steps below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Currencies must have a corresponding bank account before they can be selected when setting up a new company. Once a Currency is selected and either a sales quote, sales order, credit note or purchase order is raised, the currency selection is locked and it is no longer possible to select an alternative currency.

Adding a new Currency

  1. Navigate to Settings by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and selecting the settings option.

  2. Select App using the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Click on Currencies.

  4. Select the required Currency from the drop-down menu (let us know if you need a non-listed currency adding), and enter a corresponding exchange rate to be used for all future sales and purchases and click ✅ to save.

Editing a Currency Exchange Rate

If you would like to edit the exchange rate for a Currency please follow these steps. Please note any changes will update all new sales quotes, sales orders, credit notes and purchase orders, the exchange rate of any existing records will not be affected.

  1. Navigate to Settings by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and selecting the settings option.

  2. Select App using the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Click on Currencies.

  4. Click the ✏️ icon next to the Currencies you wish to edit.

  5. Edit the Currency exchange rate in the text field at the bottom of the modal and click ✅ to save.

Archiving a Currency

Please follow these steps if you would like to archive a Currency. Please note this will not remove the Currency from any existing customer or supplier records, or any active sales quotes, sales orders, credit notes or purchase orders.

  1. Navigate to Settings by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and selecting the settings option.

  2. Select App using the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Click on Currencies.

  4. Click the ✏️ icon next to the Currency you wish to archive.

  5. Click the 🗃 icon next to the text fields.

Un-Archiving a Currency

If you would like to reinstate an archived Currency please follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to Settings by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and selecting the settings option.

  2. Select App using the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Click on Currencies.

  4. Select the Show Archived tick-box.

  5. Click the 🗃 icon next to the Currency you wish to re-activate.

Would you like to map your Currencies to Xero? Click here to find out how.

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