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User Settings

Add, edit, archive and un-archive Users

Andrew Homer avatar
Written by Andrew Homer
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to add, edit, archive and un-archive Users in Omono. It is really simple and can be done by Admin users in Settings.

Adding a new User

Please note your monthly subscription charge will be billed pro-rata from the date on which a new User (excluding Internal Contacts) is created.

  1. Navigate to Settings by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and selecting the settings option.

  2. Select Team using the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Click on the ➕ icon located in the toolbar and select Add Team Member.

  4. Select the appropriate user role. Standard users can access all modules, Admin users also have access to Settings. Adding a team member as an Internal Contact is free of charge and enables other users to send documents to them using the system.

  5. The users First Name, Last Name and Email are required fields, the remaining fields can be optionally completed and this data is available to use within custom email templates.

  6. Once you are happy with the information you have entered, click the ✅ at the top of the modal to save.

  7. The new user will receive a welcome email from Omono with login instructions and information on how to set their password.

Editing a User

If you want to edit the details of an existing User please follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to Settings by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and selecting the settings option.

  2. Select Team using the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Click on the ✏️ icon next to the users name you wish to edit.

  4. Edit the required information and click ✅ at the top of the modal to save.

Archiving a User

Please follow these steps if you would like to archive a User. Please note when a user is archived your monthly subscription charge will update at the next billing cycle.

  1. Navigate to Settings by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and selecting the settings option.

  2. Select Team using the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Click on the ✏️ icon next to the users name you wish to archive.

  4. Once you are sure, click the Archive User button at the bottom of the modal.

Un-Archiving a User

If you would like to reinstate an archived User please follow these steps. Please note your monthly subscription charge will be billed pro-rata from the date on which a user is un-archived.

  1. Navigate to Settings by clicking on your name at the top right of the screen and selecting the settings option.

  2. Select Team using the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Select the Show Archived filter, all archived users will now be displayed in grey.

  4. Click on the ✏️ icon next to the users name you wish to un-archive.

  5. Once you are sure, click on the Un-Archive User button at the bottom of the modal to re-activate this user and add them to your billing cycle.

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